Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Untitled #1

First, I would like to say thank you to all of my loyal readers. I know who you are because you comment, or just plain tell me that you read it. I really couldn't have done this without you. You are what make all of this worthwhile. I sign into my blog everyday holding my breathe in the hope that someone has commented. . . and I am rarely let down! In fact I have always had a loving comment waiting for me, unless of course I am talking about my internship or about animation. Really people, this is the reason I am down here in the first place. But no! Do not fear or tremble in the corner; I still love you.
The curious reader may be wondering at this point why I am writing a thank you speech for myself. Smart reader! I am not just writing this to encourage those of you comment-shy folk to let me know what you think or what you want to hear about, I am writing this because it is awards season down here in L.A. and I am determined to be just as prepared as any actor off the street to accept an award (any award will do).
Now, wouldn't it be neat if I went to an awards show while I was here? I am after all trying to get into one part of the industry. I fear that this will not happen however. I blame my lack of connections and lazy agent.
But wait! What's this I hear? Gemma IS going to an awards show?! Unbelievable! Her ridiculous dreams of receiving an award may yet come to pass! Okay, in reality, probably not. Mostly because I haven't done anything deserving of an award.
What awards show you ask? No, not the Oscars. But this does not make it any less exciting for me. I am going to attend the Annie Awards on February 11th. Most people are probably starting to deflate a little after that build up because most people do not know what the Annie Awards are. They are the animation awards that ASIFA-Hollywood is responsible for holding every year. While I doubt Brad Pitt will be decorating the ceremony with his presence, I am quite excited to go because the people who will be there are like stars to me. I have one ticket for myself and one ticket for a friend. I have to admit it really wasn't a hard choice: I am bringing Alexis. Not only will she look great on my arm while we stroll down the red carpet (if there is one), but she will also make sure I am dressed and make-upped properly (something I must admit is not my forte). Not to mention I know this is something that both of us will enjoy.
So go ahead, be jealous. I promise to relay every detail of our thrilling night come February 12th.


Anonymous said...

Oooh I'm jealous of Alexis! But I'm very glad she will be there to help you match your shoes to your skirt and pick out your jewelry!

AbbieBabble said...

Hi Gemma! It's Abbie Cyr. I read your blog sometimes, too.
Anyway, that's so cool! Have fun!

pogo said...

lazy agent?? uh oh...so, about that, i swear i'm working hard on getting you involved in that thing that we talked about that one time...yeah.

okay, i admit, i'm a lousy agent. i suggest firing me because this 10% deal, when you're making a whole lot of zeros for every production i get you into, is just not cutting it for me. no motivation really. i mean, i'll stay on board, but don't expect this "laziness" problem to magically go away. until there's some numbers, perhaps a 1 or 3, in front of all those zeros, it's just not happening.

Anonymous said...


Ashley Lane said...


Allie said...

I'm seeing Justin Timberlake in Concert on March 24th so *sticks tongue out*.

Mostly I just wanted to comment because it sucks to not be commented on. Perhaps I should share my URL with the masses (of people I know) instead of just you, Erin and my parents.

Anonymous said...

woweee! but al thinks you're going to the emmys...somethng to do with an nz accent perhaps? look FABulous, take photos. xxxxx