Monday, January 15, 2007


I just thought I would let you know that I was thinking about putting up some photos because, hey, they are fun to look at in moderation. So I busted out my camera to take a stellar picture of the ocean, pressed the on/off button only to discover that my camera didn't much feeling like turning either on or off. It was suddenly stuck in a strange limbo between the two states of power. I tried recharging my battery and that seemed to work for one run through of turning it on (silently celebrating) and then off. Sadly when I later returned to my camera to take a picture it, yet again, refused to either turn on or subsequently turn off. So I apologize for the lack of color and excitement on my blog, but until I get my long sick camera to behave, I am afraid I will have to look for a new one and you will have to look at a photo-less blog.
If for some reason you feel like donating to the Gemma's Camera Should Work Fund, I will gratefully accept it. Actually I typed gracefully the first time, ha, I will try to accept it gracefully too. I found a great Oregon Scientific Barbie Digital Camera. Ages 5 and up.


pogo said...

Might I suggest dropping your camera off the edge of a bed in Madrid? It's a proven method.

Anonymous said...

I think my camera's got what your camera's got... so yeah, I'ma just buy a new one. It's served me well lo these... 2 years, is that all? Bitches!