Saturday, January 6, 2007

My First Time

. . . blogging that is. Who knows if it will be interesting. As I roam into the world of blogging I find that I should set a few rules for myself. Firstly, I personally highly dislike blogs that simply detail what one has done with their day. My days are not nearly entertaining enough to justify a long post discussing what I bought at the grocery store (I have not yet gone to the grocery store, so that would be a lie anyway). Instead this shall be more my reactions to things that have occured during the day. My end goal is to keep this as fun and informative as possible. I think this is a reasonable goal because I have a friend who managed to do just that (Hi Emma!). I suppose that was really only one rule. Moving on!
Well I am in Los Angeles for my winter term. So far it has been a great 3 days. I have started my "internship" at ASIFA-Hollywood. What is ASIFA-Hollywood, you ask? Google it. No just tricking, I will tell my eager and curious audience. It is a non-profit International Animated Film Association. Yes, that is what ASIFA stands for. . . but in French so that it works out nicely. I am obviously with the Hollywood branch. We have an incredible amount of stuff here! Like the original drawings and storyboards of Ren & Stimpy, storyboards for Speedy Gonzales, drawings from Disney movies (I am looking at one from Sleeping Beauty right now Ashley), cartoons from way back in the 30s, and so much more that I can't even begin to detail all of it. My job as "intern" is to help ASIFA get a database up and running on which people all over the world can do research on animators to get their bios, some sound clips, pictures of their drawings, and their animations, of course. It seems a bit surprising that something like this does not already exist but at least it is in the works. Unfortunately there is quite a bit to be done before I can make this super incredible database. For example, a lot of backing up of things to be semi-specific. So to paint a quick picture of what I am doing right now: I am burning many DVDs that take about 15 minutes each, leaving me loads of time to play around! This is me, playing around. I would frolic about the computers but I would fear that I might harm them with my exuberant dance moves. I will settle for writing my first blog entry instead.
This is entry is turning out to be pretty long, I think I should stop. Are you still reading this? Amazing! I have a short attention span when reading things online. Perhaps this is why I insist on getting the paper version of the NYTimes. Or perhaps I just like the feeling of reading a paper from front to back and having the black ink proof of it on my fingers. I dislike the NYTimes online, I can't read it very well. I will wrap this up then. I work at ASIFA on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 1 - 9p. Odd hours I know, but it lets me avoid the LA traffic, so I will not complain. What do I do in the meanwhile, you wonder (Sorry if I keep putting questions in your mouth.)? I am looking for a job. So far I have applications to Noah's Bagels, Robek's Juice, Blockbuster, and AMC Theaters. It is a strange feeling for me to fear not being hired by AMC. Afterall, I go to a good college. . . I should be able to excel at serving popcorn, right? I hope they hire me.
Okay, I'm off! I plan to make subsequent entries shorter. (Feedback always appreciated, but make it nice. Suggested remarks are: "Gemma, what a brilliant blog!" or "Gemma, I eagerly await your next post!")


Anonymous said...

I'm on the edge of my seat! More, more I say!

Emma said...

Yay! welcome to the blogging world!

Anonymous said...

brilliant! must have got it from your mother!

Anonymous said...

So when I can't fix the pictures on the film I can come borrow the original Sleeping Beauty artwork right?

Unknown said...

Suggested remarks are: "Gemma, what a brilliant blog!" or "Gemma, I eagerly await your next post!")

Gemma - see above...I'm very coachable, yes?

Who could ask for more - 'toons & grass in January.


Anonymous said...

Blah blah bloo bloo blog, yes blog!!! good job Gemma!