Monday, January 22, 2007


I have usually liked my dreams. They tend to amuse me. I like to think of them as a bonus to going to sleep. I not only become well rested but I also get told a good story or two. It is kind of like going to the movies. You pay to see one movie but then you also have the pleasure of seeing a few mini ones! I believe most people call those previews. I've been known to have dreams of lizards made of double mint gum packages and of living in an underwater RV. But not all dreams are quite so enjoyable. There are also the dreams relating to schoolwork, which are usually more painful than anything else. For example, when learning about integrals my senior year, I had a dream in which I was required to find how many people I could fit under a curve.
I like dreams so much because they are controlled by the imagination and I know that the imagination can come up with some crazy stuff. Actually, I find that the only limiting factor for most things IS the imagination. So I have a great respect for it. I think this is why I like animation so much: the only thing holding you back in animation is your creativity (or if you are working for someone else, then I suppose the higher ups can also limit you). There is a sort of freedom in animation that I have come to appreciate. You create your own world in which anything can happen. Don't want gravity? Gone! Feel like your neck should be able stretch at will? Done! Want to breathe underwater? No problem! I fully appreciate the freedom you are given when animating. This is not to say that are no rules to follow when animating. In fact rules are quite important especially if you are just starting out. . . I've started to lose my point.
My original reason for this post was not to talk only of my dreams but to emphasize the differences between drawn animation and computer animation. While I personally find this very intriguing, I am uncertain if my audience wants to hear me rant about such things. Suffice it to say that I think there is quite a bit of potential freedom in computer animation but I am uncertain whether anyone has been able to fully realize that potential. It is much easier for me to see the freedom in drawn in animation. I hope that one day I will be able to take what I may learn about drawn animation and apply it to computer animation.
I think reality is over valued in computer animation. You can really do anything on the computer so why limit yourself with reality?

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