Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Tour

This is a quick tour through the L.A. life of Gemma Ross.
Firstly, I am living with the Foleys while I am down here. No, they are not some random family I found who I decided had a nice house in Pacific Palisades. They are very close family friends whom I have known my whole life. I am living in the downstairs guest-room/sensory-deprivation-room/room-with-a-drumset-but-no-drawers. It is a very cozy room. The fact that it is sound-proofed though makes it hard to get up in the morning because I am used to the sun guilting me out of bed. Chris and Krista Foley make me yummy dinners and entertain me when we are home. Sometimes I might refer to them as papa and mama Foley. Do not be confused. There is also David Foley, who went to BC but is now back in L.A. working in a tall building in downtown. But I have only seen him once so far. Then there is Kim Foley who is at University of Chicago. We are the same age. I have not seen her. This is possibly because she is in Chicago.
Secondly, my internship is in Burbank. Los Angeles is composed of lots of cities for those of you who do not already know this. So both Burbank and the Pacific Palisades are still a part of L.A. I have to take 5 highways to get from home to work! The PCH, 10, 405, 101, and finally 134. It can be pretty intense.
Thirdly, I have about 3 friends down here. I will now list them in no particular order. 1. Alexis! My sister! I count her as a friend. She is a friend that comes with 3 other friends attached: Sean, Chloe, and Virginia. Sean is her fiancé. He plays around with the viruses. The other two are their really cute new pet rats! 2. Sergio-friend! He goes to LMU (this is in L.A.). He was a year ahead of me at Sacred Heart. He is a cool kid (he is older than me so I don't know why I call him a kid) who needs to hang out with me more often. . . hi Sergio. 3. Rebecca-friend! She goes to Dartmouth with me and is also a Theta. She too has this term off and has taken a job that involves her teaching herself physics and Linux. I hope it is paid. We saw a movie the other day. Pan's Labyrinth. It was good, even if a bit gory. Go see it.
Fourthly, yeah. . . I don't have anything else exciting that should be explained about my life down here. But now you know who I spend my time with as well as where I spend my time! Now I can refer to these things without confusing the masses.

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