Thursday, February 1, 2007

Those Days

Everyone has "those days." The ones when you wake up and just don't want to get out of bed because you know that it just isn't worth it. I think that today was one of those days. I stayed in bed for so long after I was awake it is almost embarrassing. As it turns out, my premonition was spot on. I woke up to a very upsetting blitz from one of my countless bosses (I have a lot as it turns out). Now I think that I have to quit one of my jobs. I say "one of" because I have never had to quit a job. I have always kept it around for when I come back to that location. Not to mention I've also really enjoyed all of the jobs that I have held, so why would I quit? This just makes me really upset. I might as well tell you which job. I am going to quit my job at the scene shop at school and it REALLY upsets me because I think of all the jobs I have had, this is the one I will miss the most. I love the theater. I have been going to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival every year since I was 7. I would say the theater is one of my greatest loves actually.
Now I sit in the Foley kitchen eating my Hearty Minestrone soup by Wolfgang Puck hoping that it will make the end of the day be better than the beginning. Not working yet. I feel like today should have actually been a pretty good day considering all of the other things that happened. Today the son of Clair Weeks came into the archive with a whole bunch of original artwork by his dad. Who is Clair Weeks? He was an animator for Disney, check out that link to read more about him and to see some cool stuff (like an authentic Walt Disney signature, wow, hard to come by). Anyway, that was really cool. Plus I got good feedback from my first time teaching the SAT class. Although that was a pretty harrowing experience, I had nightmares about those kids, maybe that is why I didn't want to get out of bed. All in all, today should have been a good day in my opinion, but instead it was a really bad one.


Anonymous said...

Today will be much better, I promise.

Anonymous said...

sisters can make it all better and kris and chris can put it in perspective for you and mums can just do it all. xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I love you, Gemma! You're the best roomie ever :)

Hope everything is going better!