Friday, March 2, 2007

The Vinci Family

This morning I continue your animation education. This is a lie. I continue my own animation education. I've found the best way to learn is to teach. This is why I know the SAT in and out.
Back to the Vinci family though. That reminds me of the Medici family from Florence. You know? The family that produced some Popes, other kinds of rulers and were generally fantastic patrons during the Renaissance. Yeah, that one. Well the Vinci family also has a great deal to do with art. Carlo Vinci was an animator who worked for Terrytoons, Disney and Hannah-Barbera. I suppose the most well known things he worked on were Mighty Mouse and The Flinstones. I have yet to be able to pick out who animated what when watching a cartoon but last night I got to experience Steve pick scenes out from Mighty Mouse cartoons that were animated by Vinci.
Vinci's son and grandson, Paul and Mike, came into the archive yesterday evening to be greeted with 6 DVDs of Mighty Mouse cartoons that I had burned for them (although I did not know at the time who the discs were going to) and, more importantly, that their father/grandfather had worked on. We all sat down to watch a few cartoons. Grandson, son, and Steve pointed out bits animated by Carlo Vinci. Even to my uneducated eyes I began to see his distinctive style. Because I am no expert and can no better describe his style to you than I could attempt to walk on water, I will have to refer to the "experts" (though not Jesus). John Kricfaulsi says, "Carlo moves things as if he invented animation himself and had never seen anyone else's animation. He made up all his own rules. He doesn't use simple lines of action like the Disney animators did. Instead he uses zigzagged poses that to most animators would seem awkward."
You should read more about Carlo Vinci at the animation archive site, which I have cunningly linked directly for you. I think it must be amazing to be related to an animator! Of course the son and grandson seemed perfectly normal. Oh! They knew who I was and where I went to school too when they came in! No, not because I wear a Hello my name is. . . name tag, but because I am practically famous to the people who frequent the archive blog. Steve made a video to introduce people to the physical archive to clean away the misconception that the archive is just the blog posts. I am in it! Working away! You should watch it here and see where I work, who I work with and what I do!


pogo said...

Yaay Gemma laugh!! "This is Gemma, she's smart" It's been so long since I've heard that laugh...

Someone spelled your name wrong in the comments >:|

Gemma said...

OMG! A WHOLE FEW MONTHS!!! since you hear my laugh.
And yes, MIke F. did spell my name wrong but I don't like to give him a hard time.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I'm with Bonnie on enjoying the Gemma laugh! Especially the little second one when you're not even in the frame...sneaky Gemma! I miss you so.