Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday at the Archive

I find that in the past few days I have been far too efficient at the archive. I have organized and formatted a hundred something scans, entered information on countless images in the database, and written up a guide for any future ASIFA intern. I have worn myself out. I am now sitting at the archive watching little blue lines snake across the screens on either side of me. The database and the intern guide sit open on the computer directly in front of me while Steve’s laptop, conveniently located at my right hand, is happily burning backups. With all of this going on at once you might wonder why it is I am writing a blog post. Good question. I am just a tad bored. Just a bit. I am a bit hungry too come to think of it. And sleepy.
I am happy that I have gotten so much work done but now I don’t really know what to do. That isn’t true at all. I know exactly what I can do because there is always more to do at the archive. I just don’t have the motivation to do it right now since most of what I have left for myself is pretty mindless and repetitive. Not good for Gemmas when hungry or sleepy.
Okay I just got some food so now I feel qualified to make the decision of how long I will stay at the archive tonight. Last night I stayed very late at the archive, which I did all the time in the winter but find it harder and harder to do this summer. This resulted in an invitation to Bob’s Big Boy. I had never been there so I was intrigued. While we were unlucky with the fact that the parking lot was packed with a whole bunch of people milling about looking at each other’s cars, we were quite fortunate in the booth we were seated at. We were shown to the booth that Steve referred to as the Beatle booth. It is the booth that The Beatles ate at when they were at Bob’s Big Boy. I ordered waffles because they are not served at the Coral until midnight and that is too late. After several hours went by I also got a cup of coffee to fight off tiredness. I am sorry to say that I was not very conversational before that. However, after some seat shifting I ended up sitting next to JD who seems to never be at a loss for words. I like people like that because I am not very good at starting conversations. I would say JD is a natural since he was constantly asking me questions and keeping my attention engaged. JD told me to hurry up and graduate so that I could come back and be on the crew of his million-dollar movie. Before that can happen though, JD will have to hurry up and find a million dollars. Overall it was a fun night.
I have just finished turning a bunch of tifs into jpegs for the database so I think it is time to head out and save the entering of the jpegs into the database for Tuesday. Perhaps I will think of something else I can do as well seeing as this next week is basically my last at the archive this summer.

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